
These are lessons, the thoughts and ideas I have derived from my experience in various fields and situations in life. They are educative, and are meant to help you a reader to learn how to live a life of happiness and fairness not only to yourself but also to other people. Thank you for visiting my blog…

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Lord God, The Creator of Man…

How I wish all men knew how wonderful the Lord our God is!
How I wish they would understand how much he loves us; even how much he cares about us!

Everything the Lord our God has done is good; they are all beautiful that he has created.
The Lord has given us hunger in our body that we will taste the sweetness of what he has created for us as food.

The Lord has given us many desires that we will continuously adore his creation, and praise him for what he has created; that we will appreciate his creation and find satisfaction and wholeness in it.

He has deepened the desires of the hearts of men that they may see and appreciate the taste and art of his creation.

Who then, is like the Lord our creator?
The Lord has given us thirst that we will taste water; whose taste we can’t fully describe; whose color we can’t tell, yet its satisfaction is so relieving!

Such things like water; the things I can see, feel and taste, yet I can’t fully describe make me get down on my knees, bow my head to the ground and worship you my Lord and creator.
You, our God are very caring; you’ve placed your blessings and provisions in every road in which we walk. You created some men among us with the hearts of angels that they will bless us with the things we need most in our desperate times.

You’ve created men who speak words that can put together a broken spirit and heal a broken heart.

Because you love us so much, you know our silent needs, and you’ll provide even before we are certain: look how we see and breathe even when we’ve forgotten that we do. You’ll teach us responsibility before we discover; you’ll prepare us for the long journeys of life before we can ever think we’ll have them. You go behind us, before us, besides us and above us every where we go, at all times and you never give up. How I wish we fully understood your love for us, or get the right words to worship and praise you with thanksgiving.