
These are lessons, the thoughts and ideas I have derived from my experience in various fields and situations in life. They are educative, and are meant to help you a reader to learn how to live a life of happiness and fairness not only to yourself but also to other people. Thank you for visiting my blog…

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blessed Be Israel…

Let the might saving and protecting hand of the Lord our God re upon you, Israel.

Let his eyes watch over you day and night, always, and forever.

Let his shadow be your night and the light of his glory be your day.

Let his mercies and love rise upon you like the morning sun. Let his protection cover you fully like the sun set and night.

Let your streets be filled with wealth, satisfaction and happiness.

O, how the Lord loves you so much! His goodness to you will continue until his blessings upon your fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are fully exhausted.

Let your children grow up in the fear of the Lord, yes, the Lord will protect them in the wombs of their mothers, in the streets within Israel, and he will teach them how to worship and praise him to their old day through his spirit.

Listen, O Israel! Don’t defy the Lord’s counsel, don’t turn down his orders! Obey him with all your might: praise and worship him alone, not even the greatest weapons within your gates, the Lord alone is your avenger, defender and protector.

The Lord look beyond the hills, through the valleys and on the mountain tops, and sees your enemies trying out their destructive plans against you and he destroys them with storms and winds before their planned days come to pass. He looks up on the tallest buildings and makes blind the eyes of the enemies that can have put the little and innocent, even you wives on target.

Let his brave spirit of wisdom rest upon your leaders, even upon your young men.

The Lord will make you warriors fearless; he will give them direction and luck in all their battles against your enemies, yes, even his hosts from heaven will fight along with your soldiers. He will protect their lives and give them a life long enough to let them see their children become mighty soldiers, even their beautiful grand children.

Let the Lord bless all your families and investments, and multiply their luck from generation to generation. The Lord your God will use your enemies’ anger as your shield and their evil plans as your arrows; he will destroy them using their own evil intensions on you.

Let the Lord saw seeds of the most precious stones within your boundaries; like a farmer saws grains distance after distance and waters them in the times of drought, let the Lord water your land with oils from the purest oil wells of this planet.

Just as the land and waters are spread wide around this planet, so is the chest of the Lord for you Israel; with his hands wide open, he will always wait for your cries in times of trouble and he will answer; he is waiting to hear you mention the desires of your hearts and he will deliver them with his mighty hand, and when you worship and praise him for all he has done in all your lives, he will take great pleasure in your words and come in your midst.

The day is coming when there will be no bloodshed or communal cries within the boundaries of Israel; in those days the Lord will come down and sit on the holy mountain, and his glory will spread all over the sacred hills, among all people that worship him in all nations. Yes, he will even come down from the holy mountain to the sacred hills below and live among his people because of the joy he will have found in their true praises and worship. In those days, there will be great trembling all over the world because our God is pleased with his people, yet no body will die or be hurt, not even a scratch will come upon their bodies because the Lord our God is happy.

In those holy days, the Lord himself will settle any differences amongst his people; he will be their counselor and judge, yet because of his great mercies and happiness he will teach his people how to love one another, and no body will be destroyed.

O, how lovely those days will be! How peaceful the days of the Lord will be!
Praise the Lord your God, O Israel!