
These are lessons, the thoughts and ideas I have derived from my experience in various fields and situations in life. They are educative, and are meant to help you a reader to learn how to live a life of happiness and fairness not only to yourself but also to other people. Thank you for visiting my blog…

Sunday, January 17, 2016


The contribution of #WesigeBesigye to the growth and development of democracy in Uganda is one of the topics many young Ugandans will study in history 1's African nationalism. You see, when I was still in school and we studied about the North, West, East and South African nationalists, it all seemed as though we were living in the future of great men of Uganda like Mr. Milton Obote 1&2 and Mr. Amin Daada, and all that was done in their era was something of the passed we could only study but never experience in a modern society, but it's a shame; we're living in history and not the future that many Ugandans sacrificed their lives for in the NRA war.

Now, the new list of modern African nationalist should include Mr. Besigye for his contribution the promotion of democracy, human rights, accountability and transparency of government in Uganda.

How else would we have known how terrible public funds have been mismanaged or embezzled in the #Museveni regime? Or even, how challenging anyone would have to find it to compete with an incumbent president in a manipulated military government like this in Uganda?

Many other politicians have come out to join him in the struggle for democracy and good governance but we all know that persistence and integrity have challenged them out of the struggle and some have succumbed to bribery and abandoned the struggle for common good, and followed personal gains.

The selfless preacher of democracy and good governance, Mr. Besigye, has awoken many sleeping Ugandans and addressed their daily challenges without fear, even for his life, or favour for relatives and tribesmen gaining from the corrupt government. Yes, he has led a team of people (citizens of Uganda) who believe we can do better than this.  It's therefore for this reason that all upright and hopeful thinking Ugandans have decided to finance and contribute to the struggles of Mr.Besigye, and to work voluntarily with him to promote democracy and good governance.

As for me, am grateful for the revolutionary seeds Mr.Besigye has planted in today's generation and the hope in a good, democratic, transparent, accountable and developmental government that favours all, which is possible in Uganda now and can be that way for long in the future. Indeed many Ugandans know today that what wet have for a government is not all that we'd want to be our government and therefore we want a better government, the best government wet can make by our selves and be completely proud of.

Mr.Besigye has informed, thought and criticised peacefully in every way possible and it doesn't matter whether he becomes president of Uganda or not come 18/02/2016, Mr. Besigye has played a good part in the governance of Uganda and he'll forever be our hero.

If #WesigeBesigye was a teacher, all Ugandans would be passing with flying colours because it's good for all of us, and if he had been a referee I'd bet on every game his team plays because am sure it'd be a sure win, but most of all if Mr.Besigye ever becomes president, am convinced beyond reasonable doubt that all Ugandans will be proud again of their country and will exhibit more patriotism than ever before... Uganda would develop and people would regain their confidence in social services provided to the by their government through fellow Ugandans. I won't stop dreaming and wishing for a day like this!