
These are lessons, the thoughts and ideas I have derived from my experience in various fields and situations in life. They are educative, and are meant to help you a reader to learn how to live a life of happiness and fairness not only to yourself but also to other people. Thank you for visiting my blog…

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Prayer for Young People…

Our Lord, our God and father!

Have mercy upon us; have mercy upon this age of mankind!

Have mercy upon us in the days when we are most stubborn and most ignorant; in the times when we have high energy and weak minds, and are ruled by our desires.

Have mercy upon us in our young days; in the days when foolishness is our master and our bodies are its faithful and loyal servant. In such days when we have disobeyed you; we have ignored your warnings, teachings and guidance: in those days we our acts are too filthy and they stir you anger, and you still hold back your strong hand from destroying us.

Forgive us our God, because we don’t even know the value of pleasing you; the rewards of doing what is right before you.

Forgive us in the days when we think that life is a gamble; when we doubt your ordained plan for mankind; in the days when we think we are too wise and too strong to make our own way; even in the days when we think we are too wise to reason you out – forgive us I pray.

The Lord our God is not happy with young people that don’t worship him in spirit and truth; he will let them saw seeds of stubbornness, pride, falsehood, disobedience and immorality, and let them reap their fruits in their adult day, yes, they will became useless men and women, shameful and shameless; they will leave not legacy when they are gone.

How I wish young people knew how rewarding it is to love the Lord our God, and do as he commands; how I wish you knew the reward of patience and obedience before the Lord!

Young people, seek to know the lord your God, accept him with all your youthful strength and worship and praise him in spirit and truth; he will reward you with honor, peace, wealth, wisdom and a long healthy life in your old days; you’ll be strong.