
These are lessons, the thoughts and ideas I have derived from my experience in various fields and situations in life. They are educative, and are meant to help you a reader to learn how to live a life of happiness and fairness not only to yourself but also to other people. Thank you for visiting my blog…

Saturday, February 20, 2016

A National Dialogue is the path to a shared future... Bishop David Zac Niringiye

This afternoon, the Electoral Commission of Uganda declared Gen Y Museveni the winner of the 2016 Presidential Election. It is obvious even to casual observes that the elections were rigged.

The EU Observer Mission' Preliminary Report is clear.


The Elections were rigged by state institutions and leaders in favour of Gen Y Museveni. The process was not credible. The result is not legitimate. A stolen election can not secure sustainable peace and a future of all Ugandans. It can not provide the basis of a stable and prosperous country.

That is why the immediate priority is a National Dialogue, to find a common path to a future that includes all! The Dialogue must address the critical issues that have divided the country, as the way to avert violence. Justice and equity are the way of peace! The Elders Forum and IRCU could build on the presidential debates and make the dialogue possible.

Kiggundu: The commission declares candidate Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as the elected President of Uganda this 20/Feb/2016


Abed Bwanika 86, 075 (0.93%)
Baryamureeba Venansius 51,086 (0.55%)
Benon Biraaro 24,675 ( 0.27%)
Kizza Besigye  3,270,290 (35.37%)
Joseph Mabirizi 23,762 (0.26%)
Maureen Kyalya 40,598 (0.44%)
Amama Mbabazi 132,574 (1.23%)
Yoweri Museveni 5,617,503  (60.75%)
