
These are lessons, the thoughts and ideas I have derived from my experience in various fields and situations in life. They are educative, and are meant to help you a reader to learn how to live a life of happiness and fairness not only to yourself but also to other people. Thank you for visiting my blog…

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Study of Wisdom

The study of widom is the study of love, peace, justice and success; which things are the greats needs of man everywhere, if he has to survive, at any stage or status.

Have you learnt somethings today?

Tell it to a friend, maybe he hasn't seen a lesson in anything for a long time.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Weaknesses And Mistakes

This world is an environment weaknesses and mistakes... if you told this to a conservative physian, he would say "no, it's not true", but who can tell the number of results of weaknesses and mistakes versus intentional practices, if they can be weighed or measured anyway?

Access the results of your weaknesses and mistakes and you'll realized that yours and mine put together make up the environment we live in, this world....

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Watch Your Tongue...

All humans have an evil side;
strong or weak,
each human is capable of hurting another.
Do not let you tongue learn to provoc
or get used to trying the evil abilities of fellow men;
people are capable of strange things,
very destructive things.
So, watch you tongue...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Is WISDOM Still Needed?

Unlike the past centuries or generations, today people treasure knowledge and wisdom is not a strong term or even area of study.

You meet many people who can craft various things with the principles they've derived from years of study, but when you ask them, even in their high social positions that they have attained through education by what principles they live or manage their lives, I assure you that even one out of a hunder may not mention the term wisdom in 100 sentences of description.

Now remember, wisdom is not psychology alone because it's much wider than that, so, this means that today their is a fractional study of wisdom, one thing that is meant to be very important in managing the lives of men in relation to how they live with themselves and the people around them.

It's true that if a study was carried out to ask people between the ages of 18-45 what they understand by the term "wisdom", many of them may not be able to say anything reasonably relevant, or true. Ssome may honestly say they ever had about it but donot know or understand what it means.

When is the last time you mention the term "WISDOM"?
Many of us here about it only in the bible, that is, when talking about King Solomon.
Am not a clergyman, but is it right for us to think that wisdom is not needed in this generation?

Is it right for us to live on without principles of morality governing our lifestyles?

*May be this has alot to do with the rising levels of immorality in this global village.

What do you think?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Davis’ Mind Ache

Davis thought he was in chains every time he thought about the restrictions and advises of his father and mother. Punishment for wrong further confirmed to him that he was a prisoner; in his parents’ house. He lived most of his childhood days regretting having been born of such parents.
Every time he saw the amount of freedom his age mates enjoyed, he thought of them as lucky. When he turned 14years, his parents minimized on the restrictions and punishments they gave him, and to him this was a great relief.

His parents new that such restrictions were a strong shell around him, a kind of protection that would keep him away from the stresses, aches and dilemmas of childhood and youthful days.

Because he was young, all this meant little to him, in fact, he wanted his freedom; a freedom to do what he wanted when he needed it. When he turned 16years, Davis got a girlfriend, something he had always desired. Many things happened since, even things he could never explain or even share with his parents though they taught him to always do so; to always confide in them.
lost his first girlfriend, something that changed his perspective of thinking, even his lifestyle.

At 21years, Davis was living alone in the city and had got more than four girlfriends over the years. At this stage, Davis regret having had the desire to get a girlfriend, he had regretted many times, and this time it was getting worse since he was loosing his fiancee to his longtime best friend.

During this time, he met Patrick in a bar, an old classmate, one of the free guys he always admired; one guy that was very disappointed in life, and they shared some of their experiences that had resulted into the pain they were experiencing.

This is when Patrick told him, “I wish I had a tough parent in my young days, one who would punish me for every wrong I made. I wish it was possible to go back to the young days, were someone can advise me or even force me to live up to the right things in life.”
This is when Davis realized that whatever his parents had done over the years was right, and up to the right reasons, and may be it would have been worse if he hadn’t got the most sensitive lessons of life in his childhood days.

*Many of us have passed through various experiences due to lack of knowledge, a kind of skill needed to get us through experiences safely; without pains, stresses and heartaches. But, one thing I have realized in many days is that learning has no age, and there is no age at which one can't be advised. People can only know about us and help us if we let them.

So, what is on your mind that has kept you in pain all this long?

The Advantage of Experience

No man knows better than he that learns from every experience, and no man learns better than he that thinks positively of every experience he encounters.

An experience looks small only when you despise it... but all experiences are worth noting, considering and learning from.

So what are you experiencing today?
Talk to someone may be he or she may help you identify the lesson you are meant to learn...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Certain Within...

If I tell you am weak, then it means am certain about which areas you or someone else may may challenge me, and am careful.

So, it's good to know that someone tha is certain about him or herself isn't as easy to challenge as you would to anyone who's not sure of himself.

Time And Experience

As time goes by, you'll realize that you can only encounter what you you're meant to encounter in life, and that not all things work out because you're ready or even as planned; and, that not all that happens when we think we're ready works out well, or not all that works out in times when we're ready turns out to be a mess in our lives...